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Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06): 691-701. doi: 10.3877/ cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.06.001


Expert consensus on prevention and treatment of swelling after lower extremity orthopedic surgery (2024 version)

Surgery Group of Chinese Orthopaedic Association Joint   

  • Received:2024-10-09 Online:2024-12-01 Published:2025-02-11


Postoperative swelling following lower limb orthopedic surgery is a common complication that brings various inconveniences to patients’ rehabilitation and quality of life. The scope of swelling after lower limb surgery is broad, including procedures such as hip and knee joint replacement surgeries, trauma surgeries,and various other lower limb surgeries. These surgeries may potentially result in lymphatic reflux obstruction or vascular damage, consequently triggering swelling issues. Lower limb swelling frequently occurs during the perioperative period, causing patients pain, functional limitations, and an increased risk of complications.Currently, preventive and therapeutic measures for postoperative swelling in lower limb orthopedic surgery mainly involve drug treatment, physical therapy, and protective measures. In terms of drug treatment, diuretics,anti-inflammatory drugs, venotonic medications, etc., are utilized to alleviate edema. Physical therapy includes methods like massage, cold compresses, and hot compresses, with the aim of promoting lymphatic and blood circulation. Protective measures emphasize postoperative patient rest and the use of specific compression stockings. However, despite the existence of some methods for preventing and treating postoperative swelling,there is still room for improvement. For example, personalized guidance and recommendations for swelling prevention and treatment strategies based on different surgical types and individual differences are currently lacking. Additionally, early prediction and intervention for swelling risks during the surgical process also need improvement. Therefore, there is an urgent need for in-depth research and development of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies for postoperative swelling after lower limb orthopedic surgery to enhance patient rehabilitation outcomes and quality of life.

Key words: Lower extremity, Orthopedics, Edema, Vein, Surgery

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